When the time comes for you to call in an asbestos removal company, the amount of choices may become baffling, and you may fear being bombarded with all the asbestos-related jargon when calling around for asbestos removal prices or advice. Before you start looking around, why not check out our handy Jargon Buster Guide so you can feel more prepared, or just get some more knowledge on Asbestos!
Types of Asbestos and it’s various descriptions
There are 6 types of asbestos, however, we have listed the most common 3 which you are likely to come across:
White Asbestos – Also known as Chrysotile
Most commonly found in roofs, ceilings, walls, floors of homes. brake linings, gaskets, boiler seals, pipes, ducts
Brown Asbestos – Also known as Amosite
Most commonly found in cement sheets, pipe insulation, insulating board, ceiling tiles, thermal insulation products
Blue Asbestos – Also known as Crocidolite
Most commonly found in Pipe Insulation, Spray-on Coatings, plastics, and cement products
Other terms used in when describing Asbestos
ACM: Asbestos Containing Material
AIB: Asbestos Insulation Board
Friable: Friability is how easily the material breaks down, crumbles, chips. When asbestos is damaged or disturbed it releases asbestos into the air. The more friable the material, the more fibres are released, the more dangerous the material is. Asbestos which has a high concentration of asbestos fibres are more harmful to health and are more likely to be friable.
Examples of Friable Asbestos: thermal insulation, pipe lagging, sprayed coatings, loose-fill and insulation, boards.
Non-friable asbestos is more resistant to damage and abrasion, therefore less likely to release asbestos into the air. Non-friable asbestos cannot easily be disturbed. Bonded Asbestos is another term for non-friable asbestos.
Examples of Non-Friable Asbestos: Vinyl Floor Tiles, Bitumen, Cement Sheets, Cement Pipes and Textured Decorative Coating (Artex).
Loose Fill Insulation: Possibly the most dangerous asbestos-containing material. This is a loose, fluffy insulation material that may be blue-grey or whitish in colour.
Asbestos Cement: A hard product that contains approx. 15% asbestos fibres which can be chrysotile, amosite, or crocidolite. Common examples of asbestos cement are roof sheets, wall cladding and rainwater goods.
Terms used for Asbestos Removal Services
Sample Testing: When a sample of material is taken from a property to be tested, by an Accredited Laboratory for the presence of asbestos fibres.
Asbestos Survey: There are two types of asbestos survey (1) Asbestos Management Survey and (2) Refurbishment and demolition survey.
- Asbestos Management survey is a less intrusive survey which looks at the surface of a property to identify asbestos. Samples are taken to determine if suspected material is asbestos and what type it may be. After a survey is completed, the asbestos can then be managed safely. These surveys are common when selling a house or if you have a commercial property and are the duty holder.
- Asbestos Refurbishment and demolition surveys are a more intrusive survey completed on properties which are due for refurbishment or demolition. The survey will involve taking samples on an unoccupied building in all areas to determine if asbestos is present. The asbestos can then be safely managed or removed safely.
Asbestos Register: Produced following an asbestos survey has been completed. An asbestos register is a schedule of all identified ACMS in a property including type, location, and condition as well as areas that were not accessible during the survey. The asbestos register should be provided to any persons carrying out any works on a property to ensure they are not disturbing asbestos unknowingly.
Asbestos Management Plan: The plan provides details of how asbestos within a property is to be managed following an asbestos survey. The plan shall include the asbestos register, a site plan, who is responsible for managing asbestos, plans for work on asbestos materials, the schedule for monitoring asbestos materials condition and telling people about your decision.
Air Testing: Is a process carried out to detect the level of asbestos fibres within the air. Air is drawn through a filter over a period of time, particles are then collected and analysed by a qualified asbestos analyst.
Need some advice about Asbestos waste?
Call us on 01623 272 611 and we'll be happy to help